Saturday, October 9, 2010

We Have Our Heading!!!

I borrowed the line above from Captain Jack Sparrow, who says this after he hands over his compass and finds out where his course lies for the treasure he is seeking.

Recently, I was searching for what God was calling me to do. The show that I had prayed to be in, prepared and researched for, had finished its last show. I felt lost. For the first time in 2 years, I was not sure what I should do. I did not want to be selfish and think that God still wanted me to be a part of this company that I was touring with and close myself off from what he was truly calling me to do. I prayed for God to enlighten me and to give me wisdom. Should I remain with this company that I love so well? Should I go forth and try a hand at doing some independent religious theater? (Bookings were low for the main company this would just possibly increase my work) Or should I open myself up for opportunities in the secular world? (Two of my fellow actors in the religious company were already doing this to increase work for themselves). I prayed and continued to cast about in the two pools that I could have a hand in creating more opportunity for myself. I got my answer 9 days later.

It shocked me so much that I almost leapt out of bed. "You are a religious actress and you are needed at the company that you are already with." I almost shouted out in response to that affirmation the words above "We have our heading!" but I did not want to disturb my husband who was still sleeping. I finished my novena that day to my confirmation saint and felt that she had been praying for me. Ironically, I had not started the novena for myself but to ask for the safety and protection of my friends. I had just added that my saint pray for me to find direction and so I did.

I went to mass to discover that it was the feast day of St. Therese also known as Little Flower. The responsoral hymn that we said during the reading of the Psalm also shocked me into amazement. "Guide me along the everlasting way. Guide me, Lord" I had been singing that song throughout my 9 days of discernment as a kind of singing prayer to God. I prayed the rosary after mass and then headed out to pick up one of my fellow actors. We were heading to do two shows for college students about 5 hours away. As my fellow actor, belted himself he asked "Do you know where your going?" In Captain Jack fashion I replied, "Aye, we have our heading!"

My fellow crew member, when you are feeling lost and feeling like your compass it out of sorts-pray!!! Pray for God, Our Good Captain, to give you wisdom on the course that he wants you to take. I shall be praying that you shall have open ears when He answers your prayer with your coordinates.

The Powder Monkey

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why Powder Monkey?

A powder monkey is the lowest status you can have aboard a pirate ship. It's lower than cabin boy. A powder monkey was in charge of running powder to the cannons and the muskets. It was a dangerous job during an attack because if a spark hit your container of powder there would be a new position open on the ship.

We are all powder monkeys. We are constantly in harm's way and we handle items that could blow up in our face all the time. We need a Captain who loves us and who will oversee that we don't get too far in over our head. If you choose to have Jesus as your Captain you will have someone that will be watching out for you. I didn't say he would make you safe in this world, because life in this world is dangerous. He is there for you. When you do get too far in over your head, the Captain is waiting for you to call out his name and he will come to your aid.

You can choose many Captains to follow as for me I will choose "the way, the truth and the life."

Friday, June 18, 2010


I created this blog to combine the two things I love most my Catholic faith and the romance of piracy.

I know that real pirates were the opposite of the ideal Christians. They stole things, they killed people, they drank excessively, they caroused and they cursed. They were the greatest sinners of all time.

News flash-we are all sinners. Some of us may even put pirates to shame. Which is why I am thankful for my Catholic Faith. Our Lord gave us the sacraments, because we are sinners and he knew that we would need these life preservers on our faith voyage.

What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to share my adventures with you and to share my love of my Catholic faith with those who may feel the same or those who do not know anything about Catholicism or those who are completely turned off by Catholicism. "Adventures?" you may ask. It's true I do have some amazing adventures, since I am actually a pirate re-enactor and a fairly new Catholic. In fact, I have decided to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so that I understand the Church and her teachings better.

So join me if you dare, I won't guarantee that the ride will be smooth, because I'm not the one in charge of this ship. I am merely The Powder Monkey.